Laux Family's John Deere 7700

  • Laux Family's John Deere 7700
  • Laux Family's John Deere 7700
  • Laux Family's John Deere 7700
  • Laux Family's John Deere 7700
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Mr. Brad Laux came to see Tired Iron Modding and provided pictures of his combine as inspiration for his next generation combines he made last Christmas.
Due to its combine focus (those who don't know, it's a custom 7700 with a custom grain tank extension, doubles and a 16ft auger),
He offered to do it for him and his family.
By his decision he decided to let it be broadcast to everyone so here it is!

Highlights: Fixed original 7700 jitter (original pack will also be updated)
Larger capacity
Can support ModHub 630F

Price: €37,916
Power: 200hp
Max speed: 20km/h
Capacity: 9600L

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • Tired Iron Modding