
  • Capathian
  • Capathian
  • Capathian
  • Capathian
  • Capathian
  • Capathian
3 aboneleri
7 711

The map is under development. All basic functionality is working. Based on your feedback and comments, errors will be corrected. How many new things will be on the map in the future depends on whether the map will come to you.

The Carpathian map is a fictional 4x4 km area that inspired me after visiting the Carpathian Mountains. I tried to take into account the realism of the size, local flora and atmosphere of the Ukrainian village, which is developing according to new technologies of agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry. The village of Stara Yavorivka is old, large, full of buildings from Soviet times. Nova Yavorivka is just a small village under construction. It has only new houses and a young population. The map is divided into 2 areas: the main area with fields, villages and sales points and the area with virgin lands, where plots are cheap, but you will have to create fields and build buildings yourself. You can get acquainted with the map from the lists below, screenshots, as well as video. Leave your comments and feedback in the comments.

On the map you will see:
- 59 fields (from vegetable gardens to huge fields);
- 60 plots (from courtyards to large virgin lands);
- 3 yards to start with buildings;
- 1 base with buildings;
- 10 points of sale;
- 1 point of purchase of bulk materials;
- Sheepfold;
- Cattle farm;
- Production of Fisheries (trout);
- Production Winery (mead, wine);
- Production of a sawmill (boards, pallets, furniture);
- Production Cement plant;
- Production Mill;
- Unique shop of agricultural machinery;
- Animated gates / gates / garages;
- 3 water towers with free water;
- Many areas with forest;
- Sand quarry;
- Car traffic (European)

New crops and goods:
- Peas;
- Buckwheat;
- Carrot;
- Sand;
- Gravel;
- Limestone

In future updates:
- Error correction;
- Detailed study of power lines;
- Collectibles;
- Train;
- Gravel quarry;
- New productions (meat-packing plant, etc.);
- New points of sale;
- Pedestrians;

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