
  • Farmhouse-Neversfelder
  • Farmhouse-Neversfelder
  • Farmhouse-Neversfelder
  • Farmhouse-Neversfelder
  • Farmhouse-Neversfelder
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The Neversfelderhof was built in 1720 as an imposing half-timbered building with its four rows of supporting oak stands. It has the typical basic shape of the Low German hall house. Main rooms are the Deele with the side stables for horses and cattle, the adjoining Flettküche with the open Firestation
In modern times, the building was rebuilt and expanded to be used both as a living space and as an open stable for horses. As an imposing main building, it will do well for every North German business.

- Purchase price: 129.200 $
- Maintenance costs: 30 $/day
- Horse feed trigger inside the stable.
- Straw triggers also on the outside to sprinkle the paddok
- Loading triggers for the animals on the pasture.
- All gates to open
- Authentic decoration
- Bench:
-> The bench includes the sleep trigger and the wardrobe trigger.

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • farmerfivetom