Hay Storage And Ventilation

  • Hay Storage And Ventilation
  • Hay Storage And Ventilation
  • Hay Storage And Ventilation
  • Hay Storage And Ventilation
  • Hay Storage And Ventilation
  • Hay Storage And Ventilation
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You don't always want to turn all the grass until it's dry or you just need more space to store your hay and straw?

Then put the hay ventilation or the hay storage on your farm!

The buildings accepts both bulk and bales, and the output is in bulk only.

Hay ventilation:
- Price: 80000 $
- Maintenance: 50 $/day
- Capacity: 500,000 liters
- Production costs: 48 $/month
- Dried hay: 48.000 l/month
- Shop category: Productions
- Filltypes: Grass and Hay

Hay storage:
- Price: 60.000 $
- Maintenance: 40 $/day
- Capacity: 500,000 liters
- Shop category: Silos
- Filltypes: Hay and Straw

Support and wishes please here in the Giants Forum: https://forum.giants-software.com/viewtopic.php?f=986&t=188122

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • Problems with the unloading trigger fixed
    "boughtWithFarmland" tag added

  • Austria Modding