John Deere 6R Medium Frame

  • John Deere 6R Medium Frame
  • John Deere 6R Medium Frame
  • John Deere 6R Medium Frame
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6R Series: Go Smart, Do More
6R Mid-Range Tractors: Ultimate versatility and performance

Model: 6R 145
Type: Medium-sized tractors
Base price: $169,500
Engine power: 160 hp (117 kW) maximum power (ECE-R120) + 32 hp (24 kW) IPM
Engine: 6.8L 6 cylinder engine
Frame: 7.9 t and 2.77 m wheelbase
Transmission options to choose from: AutoPowr

Model: 6R 155
Type: Medium-sized tractors
Base price: $178,000
Engine power: 171 hp (125 kW) maximum power (ECE-R120) + 32 hp (24 kW) IPM
Engine: 6.8L 6 cylinder engine
Frame: 7.9 t and 2.77 m wheelbase
Transmission options to choose from: AutoPowr

Model: 6R 165
Type: Medium-sized tractors
Base price: $188,000
Engine power: 182 hp (133 kW) maximum power (ECE-R120) + 31 hp (23 kW) IPM
Engine: 6.8L 6 cylinder engine
Frame: 7.9 t and 2.77 m wheelbase
Transmission options to choose from: AutoPowr

Model: 6R 185
Type: Medium-sized tractors
Base price: $198,000
Engine power: 204 hp (150 kW) maximum power (ECE-R120) + 30 hp (22 kW) IPM
Engine: 6.8L 6 cylinder engine
Frame: 7.9 t and 2.77 m wheelbase
Transmission options to choose from: AutoPowr

Many thanks to siLance for providing the sounds.

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • Chrisi136