Basic Pastures Pack

  • Basic Pastures Pack
  • Basic Pastures Pack
  • Basic Pastures Pack
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Sometimes you just want animals in a field! By request, open pastures without buildings. Just the basics. This pack includes a pasture for cows, sheep, and pigs. Cows produce milk, and sheep produce wool. There is no straw / slurry / manure on these pastures.

- Price: £5000
- Daily upkeep: £1
- Animal capacity: 150

Placement Note: Markers are visible while you are placing the pasture to show where the animals will wander.

Leveling Note:
These pastures do not level the whole pasture area. Because of this, it's suggested that you place them on relatively level the ground.
They can handle a bit of a hill, but if there is too much of an incline, there may be issues with the animals floating.

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • MISSYB/Foo Farmer