Forest Valley Map Edit

  • Forest Valley Map Edit
  • Forest Valley Map Edit
  • Forest Valley Map Edit
  • Forest Valley Map Edit
  • Forest Valley Map Edit
  • Forest Valley Map Edit
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New Map Change to Forest Valley!

I know all many people use this map for logging and farming but this time
BFB has turned the map strictly into logging only!

- Changelog V1.0.0.0:
- Removal of all gas station locations (replaced by a single station);
- Map filled with trees;
- Ground texture layer redone;
- Fixed mountain terrain textures;
- Added new gas station and shop location;
- Added 2 new log site locations;
- Added a fire watchtower on top of the mountain;
- Added some sites for production;
- Spawn point moved to a new location;
- Added a security guard at the sawmill location;
- Added spotlights in some places;

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • Bulletin Farm Builds