Vensys wind turbines

  • Vensys wind turbines
  • Vensys wind turbines
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Vensys wind turbines with different hub heights
Hello everyone!

This mod consists of 6 wind turbines with different hub heights.
Here are the characteristics of the plants:
-All wind turbines adapt to the wind and change their speed according to the wind speed.
-The anemometers are animated and adapt to the wind speed.
-The marking of the obstacles adapts to the light conditions of the different seasons.
-The hourly income and daily maintenance costs are one thousandth of the purchase price.

The following systems are included:

Vensys 100: 75 m and 100 m hub height (price per piece: €149,000)
Vensys 112: 93.5 m and 140 m hub height (price per piece: €249,000)
Vensys 115: 72.5m, 92.5m and 122.5m hub height (price per piece: €299,000)
Vensys 120: 90 m and 140 m hub height (price per piece: €374,000)
Vensys 126: 87m, 97m and 137 hub height (price per piece: €424,000)
Vensys 136: 97m, 132m and 162m hub height (price per piece: €499,000)

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  • -FSven-