Steyr Multi Gen1

  • Steyr Multi Gen1
  • Steyr Multi Gen1
  • Steyr Multi Gen1
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I present here a new version of the Steyr Multi.
It has many new functions and one or the other bug has been fixed.

Settings :
front loader
RUL and forest cage
front linkage
left mirror
mirror on the right
roof rack
speed camera
main color
design color
(rim color follows)

Door open left and right
open the rear window
open skylight
Mirrors fold left and right
open the hood
Unfold Bottom Link (FH)
Open rear hitch
Hide top link (FH)
Hide balls at the FH
Unfold the passenger seat

Vertex CI:
Doors open left and right
open the rear window
open skylight
Unfold the passenger seat
Rear linkage, front linkage, rear PTO (inside and outside operation)
Front PTO (indoor operation)
Unfold the bottom link
all light functions
engine start
Hide the front fenders

Special functions:
Front axle suspended
Front axle can be raised and lowered with mouse control

Live Dashboard:
Front and rear differential lock
four wheel drive
Hand brake
Rear and front PTO
main beam and dipped beam
tank warning
All decals light up briefly on startup
Modhub CCI 200 terminal installed.

Unfortunately, a few functions were overlooked when installing the Vertex IC, but they are yet to come.
Besides hiding the fender, it only works with Vertex IC.
The multi is on PBR and the lights are also LS22 standard.
Unfortunately, I had to use an old store icon because my icon generator no longer works.

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