Rales Map

  • Rales Map
  • Rales Map
  • Rales Map
  • Rales Map
  • Rales Map
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Basically it has the same functions as the 4x version, but here the fields are a bit smaller, which means it can also be played in the SP game.

With the new version, no additional mods are required

You can also start without these mods, but I recommend having them.
I deliberately didn't enter them as must mods, because I want to let you decide for yourself,
but please consider that if these mods are not there, you may not be able to build on the open spaces for you.

As for the 4x version, this map is currently on hold, I only adjusted a few things as some
approached you and asked me to complete this version of the map,
so that it is readable and does not cause LUA errors.

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • Vanidar87
  • Ralle's