K700G - Mgv3

  • K700G - Mgv3
  • K700G - Mgv3
  • K700G - Mgv3
  • K700G - Mgv3
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A huge Kirovets K-700 tractor

- Price: $63,000
- Power: 220 hp
- Max speed: 33.8 km/h
- Basic color configurations
- Design color configurations
- Rim color configurations
- Wheel configurations
- Manual shift option
- More realistic animations
- More realistic sounds
- Fixed transmission in automatic shift mode!
- Fixed tractor decals, textures!
- New tractor animations added!
- Tractor sounds finalized!
- Fixed all tractor lights! Fixed BAG with rear work light!
- Fixed all tractor sounds + added new transmission sounds, hydraulics!
- BAG fixed with the wire to the fan in the cabin!
- Reworked PTO animation!
- Reworked all rotating parts gimbals!
- Completely reworked Diferiancial to fix ohne!
- Added 3rd axle!
- Reworked transmission and engine configuration to fix ohne!
- Brand new tractor specs!
- Added Hand Painted + Tractor Color Setup Sets!
- Added tractor design configurations!
- Added Tractor Extensions (Roll Frame + Fenders, Fenders)!
- Added new customVehicleShader!
- Added tractor driver seat animation!
- More realistic indoor camera!
- Added "BELSHINA" Wide (k700a; k701) brand tires!
- Updated factory (standard) tire brand "VOLTYRE"!
- Language support: cz; from; of ; Fr; are; If; Fr; uh; he; nl; No; PL; pt; ro; ru; sv; tr!

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • Timerzyanov102
  • МАС
  • eFarmer(Erlan10)
  • Vyciokazz