Peterbilt 389 Daycab

  • Peterbilt 389 Daycab
  • Peterbilt 389 Daycab
  • Peterbilt 389 Daycab
  • Peterbilt 389 Daycab
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Peterbilt 389 Daycab by The Expendables Modding

Price: €119,000
Power: 460 - 52500000hp
Max speed: at least 1500 km/h

Change log
Added a line of script for def fluid.
Fixed fuel gauge (now working)
Fixed hoses for rear attachment (I hope)
Fixed oscillating rear driveshaft
Mirrors readjusted (a little)
Added custom sounds by Derek Champlin
Added single axle configuration
Added flat configuration
Added Mayhem rims for all configurations
Added 2 headlight options
Added 4 more bumper options
Added all rim options for all setups
Minor changes to lights
There are many more but I can't remember.

Make custom skins
First, I recommend saving these three files in the "Peter_389" folder.

In the "UV map for custom skins" folder you will find a .dds image file of the UV for the Peterbilt 389.
Just use it as a template to create your custom skin using your paint program of choice.

Once you are done, save the file in .dds format and name it one of three "" "" or "".
Place this file in the "Peter_389" folder and overwrite the files.
Your skin should now appear in-game when you select it in-game.

You can create up to three custom skins.

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • Ponderosa Logging (putting this beast into fs22)
  • Giants (for the Alcoa Cover Wheels)
  • Expendable Modding (putting this beast together and bring it to FS19)
  • arlan6 (the amazing Peterbilt 389 model)
  • SirBlackyAlot (heavy hauler bumper and bed from ATS heavy hauler pack)
  • Outlaw (headlights and bumpers from Outlaw's Peterbilt 379 for ATS)
  • Gaints Software
  • Credits for the rims pulled from the Peterbilt 389 by Blue Line Modding:
  • Blue Line Modding
  • 5150 3D
  • Ventures87 (wendi)
  • Chris (bay0net)
  • RBR-DUK (rbr_duk)
  • Jon (cascadia)Tim (polarexpress17)
  • Ivan (hardtruckisthebest)
  • Colonel
  • Alexey
  • Slider_556
  • SCS Software
  • Kriechbaum