Large Old Big Chicken Coop

  • Large Old Big Chicken Coop
  • Large Old Big Chicken Coop
  • Large Old Big Chicken Coop
  • Large Old Big Chicken Coop
  • Large Old Big Chicken Coop
  • Large Old Big Chicken Coop
VX mapping
130 aboneleri
20 006

Large Old Chicken coop.
- The chicken coop can hold 2000 chickens
- Price : 85,000 $
- Maintenance : 80 $/Day
- Dimensions : 69 x 25 x 7 meters
- Food : 80,000 L

- The food dispenser can be raised.
- The hopper to empty the wheat can be taken out of the building for use with skips.
(The hopper wheels are a prefab by by BlendArt)

- The chicken coop can be mulched (20000 L) and produces manure (place an extension).
CAREFUL! The basic set does not normally support straw and manure for chickens,
So manure production and straw consumption will only work on maps
with animals.xml customized or with the mod "Enhanced Animal System".

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • - Widening of the main door.
    - Fixed the bug with hopper colision.
    - Increase in the time to lift the distributor.
    - Added a marker to indicate the lever to lift the distributor.
    - Modification of the distributor collision.
    - Light offset of the trigger of animals.
    - Change of trigger for lights in the silo room.
    - Other minor fixes.
