
  • GlobalMarket
  • GlobalMarket
  • GlobalMarket
  • GlobalMarket
  • GlobalMarket
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Trade goods with all other players!

With GlobalMarket you can trade goods with other players, regardless of single or multiplayer mode.

You will find a new page for this in the ESC menu. It recognizes all silos and pallet/bale warehouses that are based on the Giants scripts.

While GlobalMarket is available as an simulated offline experience, you can get the optional executable which allows for a direct connection to the online market.
The optional exe-file can be downloaded on Discord from the mod creator (D-S-Agrarservice).

The prices in the global market are calculated dynamically based on the fill level. If there is a lot of goods, the price is low. On the other hand, if nothing is available, the price is high.

Important notes:
- There are currently no pallets and bales in the offline market
- It is not possible to buy/sell bales that are ensiled at the moment

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • D-S-Agrarservice[kevink98]