The Old Stream Farm - Public Works

  • The Old Stream Farm - Public Works
  • The Old Stream Farm - Public Works
  • The Old Stream Farm - Public Works
  • The Old Stream Farm - Public Works
  • The Old Stream Farm - Public Works
172 aboneleri
67 812

The Old Stream Farm map modified so that you have public works. This is made up of six different public works and a construction warehouse to make it more realistic when it comes to being able to take materials to the works.

All the mods you need to play are on my YouTube channel.

I hope you enjoy the public works.

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • For this update, the Platinum DLC is required to be able to use the hydraulic hammer and four new works have been added.

    1st Work: We will have to install sanitation in the commercial area of ​​the town.
    2nd Work: We will have to demolish a single-family house in the town.
    3rd Work: We have been entrusted with the removal of a park to then spread gravel to make it a parking lot.
    4th Work: Demolition with large machinery due to the height of the two properties.

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