Krasnoï Yar 4x

  • Krasnoï Yar 4x
  • Krasnoï Yar 4x
  • Krasnoï Yar 4x
  • Krasnoï Yar 4x
  • Krasnoï Yar 4x
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The map was created partly based on real terrain.
The landscape, the situation of the farm and the village are almost similar.
Due to the scale of the map, the relief (villages and hamlets) will of course be different from reality.
But if possible, it will be done in a bit of the same way.

- 62 plots of land for sale, including 24 fields. From 4.85 hectares to 80+ hectares (calculation was based on approximate measurements);
- Standard crops + carrots, hops, lavender, onions, rye, alfalfa, clover;
- ZAV for grain cleaning;
- The breeding includes a pig farm, a stable and a silo;
- There are coal mines, iron ore, lithium ore, sand and gravel quarry for those who like to work with loaders and excavators;
- There are different industries on the map.
These are a sugar factory, a mill, a dairy, an oil extraction plant, a bakery, a manure purchase, a steel production,
lithium production, iron production, electric oven production, an asphalt factory for those who like rolling roads;
- “Export (Customs)” point of sale, where the cost of goods is twice as high as other points of sale;
- Village, farm and production with lighting and sounds;
- automobile and pedestrian traffic;
- About half of the objects on the map are from the public domain, the other half are our own models.

Unzip the archive!

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • Cahska_Traktorist