Versatile 4WD

  • Versatile 4WD
  • Versatile 4WD
  • Versatile 4WD
  • Versatile 4WD
  • Versatile 4WD
  • Versatile 4WD
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This is my converted FS19 Versatile 4WD tractor pack. Some improvements have been made in the conversion process like addition wheel configs with new rims, moving part for the ocillation joint and a few improved parts from the basegame tractor. The tractors have 13 engine options with 3 each for 2016, 2016 50th Anniversary Edition, 2020 and 2022 models plus a fantasy New Holland inspired heritage edition.

Versatile Delta Track
Base Price: $410000
- 6 3D track options with belt width options of 30" or 36" and spacing options
- 3 Engine options each for 4 different models

Versatile 4WD
Base Price: $360000
- 32 Wheel configurations
- 3 Engine options each for 4 different models

Store options and features:
- Lighting options
- Rear weights and pto options
- Front weight or K9 blade attacher options
- Additional monitor option
- GPS option
- Beacon light option

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • Bcbuhler