Russian taiga

  • Russian taiga
  • Russian taiga
  • Russian taiga
  • Russian taiga
  • Russian taiga
  • Russian taiga
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The “Russian Taiga” map is a fictional map where you can delve deeper into forestry, as there is an abundance of forest here.

In addition to the forest, the map supports all the standards of an agricultural simulator, so it is also suitable for lovers of agriculture and animal husbandry

There is a place, but you have to work hard to plow new fields covered with dense forest during the collapse of collective farms following the fall of the USSR

To start off safely, there are 8 meadows on the map; You can conclude mowing contracts.
There is a small village where local farmers still live who you can help and also sell your goods.
For a more global income, you need to rent trains at the railway junction, load them and send them to other settlements.

On the map there is a global production, “Borisov Drev” – a kind of forestry enterprise with the associated infrastructure for wood processing and product production.
On the map you can find a small sawmill, a fish smokehouse, a. a mill, a brickworks and a concrete plant as well as equipment for felling and loading wood are available.
With the help of Terrafarm, you can get all the resources needed for your business.
In the morning and evening you can walk around the local lake, fish and watch the sunset or sunrise.

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • 69