Tesla Model 3 2024 Long Range

  • Tesla Model 3 2024 Long Range
  • Tesla Model 3 2024 Long Range
114 aboneleri
17 352

Hello everyone !
Today I have the honor to publicly publish my very first car Mod: The Tesla Model 3 2024 Long Range!
This Mod was able to see the light of day thanks in part to the valuable help that DR3RS provided me during the design of the mod, a big thank you to him!
Characteristics ;

1.Choice of 5 exterior colors from the manufacturer
2.Choice of black or white interior
3.Choice of rims, the Photon 18" as standard and as an option you will be entitled to the Nova 19".
4.Towing hook yes/no.
5.Choice of battery size, and much more to discover!

FYI the mod was designed to be realistic in terms of option prices!

⛔️It is STRICTLY PROHIBITED to Republish this mod on another site!
⛔️2, It is STRICTLY PROHIBITED to Make Modifications to this vehicle unless you have received my approval! (this will be tolerated if it remains in a private context, if you decide to publish a version modified in your way of my vehicle you will need my agreement!) you can send me a message on KingMods I will respond as quickly as possible.

This is my first Mod so don't be too lenient, this one isn't perfect but know that I did my best 😉

Have fun with my mod; Roleplay, etc!

Signed LbxModdingTeam, and DR3RS!

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • Quicksilver retouch,
    Stealth Gray Retouch,
    body alignment in relation to the front lights adjust,
    Minor corrections to the right and left! 😏

    Signed LbxModdingTeam

  • -addition of the option of either RWD Propulsion or Longe Range Dual Motor,
    -Complete retexturization of the black interior,
    -correction of the Stealth Gray color
    -addition of the new Quicksilver color,
    -addition of business versions (color);
    -Luxembourg Police
    -several choices of rotating beacon

    - The front lights have been changed to black instead of silver
    - And much more

  • Exterior color correction: Ultra Red and Stealth Gray
    and some subtle change,...😉

  • Correction of license plates
    something changing to the right and to the left,
    correction of flashing indicators on the screen,
    Correct the intensity of the high beams, etc.
    A future version will correct the floating roof problem, I am currently working on it.
