Dry Lagoon Andalusia

  • Dry Lagoon Andalusia
  • Dry Lagoon Andalusia
  • Dry Lagoon Andalusia
  • Dry Lagoon Andalusia
  • Dry Lagoon Andalusia
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Dry lagoon Andalusia. It is my first map, I spent many hours creating it.
- It has 26 Fields.
- Grassy areas.
- Three logging areas.
- Placed vineyards and olive trees.
- Edited Base Game Grain Mill.
- Edited Horse Enclosure and Placed Hives.
- Placed on the map Bakery, Carpentry, Oil Factory, Grape Mill.
- Biogas edited.
- Plot with 343 olive trees already planted.

Some areas of the map on the farm and in the Industrial Estate have areas to finish decorating the map to your liking.

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • - New game is necessary
    - Script removed so it can be published to console.
    - Added to the field 32 missing olives.
    - Tight farmlands prices.
    - All olive trees and vineyards ready to harvest.
    - Removed trees from the field 21.
    - Leveled the field 17.

  • Truck69