John Deere 6602

  • John Deere 6602
  • John Deere 6602
  • John Deere 6602
  • John Deere 6602
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The John Deere 6602 combine. The predecessor to the 6600 Sidehill, built from 1970 to 1978 along with the rest of the new generation combines built by John Deere.

Information about this combine is rather sparse, so I will give a brief description. The 6602 has a 45% lean angle compared to the 20% lean angle of the 6600 Sidehills, making it a better combination for extreme hills like the Palouse or Westby and the new Hubbard board could do it. (A 218 grain head is recommended due to the wider wheels)

Base price: €31,826
Power: 135hp
Capacity: 4,346L
Max speed: 20 km/h

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • Red Rocks Modding
  • Tired iron modding