IH Farmall 1066 Hydro

  • IH Farmall 1066 Hydro
  • IH Farmall 1066 Hydro
  • IH Farmall 1066 Hydro
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Good morning! If you remember correctly, I announced this tractor yesterday in my project progress update, and here it is. Yes, I know there's still work to be done, and it might still be a little lacking in some places, but that's just a detail! beta version. Normally I would mention people at this point, but today I don't have to. This mod was developed from scratch by myself, and I'm very proud to do it for the first time! Okay, let's get straight to the point: what are the features?
Price - $40,000 HP - 140 Configurations - Weight (more on this later) Wheels - Goodyear and Continental (again, we'll talk about this later) Please report any bugs or anything that doesn't seem quite right done correct! Thanks for stopping by and enjoying this mod.

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • Theisatron