Bu Devam Eden Çalışma arşivlendi. Bu, uzun süre işlem yapılmamasından veya yazarın kararından kaynaklanabilir. Daha sonra tekrar güncellenip güncellenmeyeceğini bilemeyiz.
Hello everyone !
The pack is making great progress and a new vehicle has appeared! 😍
This is a Renault Master "Banane Guadeloupe and Martinique TDF 2023" freshly built today but not yet finished....
A new vehicle will appear in the following days, little clue: it's the most present on the Tour! 🤫
Good day to all !
slt le pack motor show va sortir ou pas car les deux mods qui sont sortie sont juste génial sinon bonne continuation
And at the same time I would like someone who knows how to manage 3D creation to continue the project!