Claas Axos 330 V2

LM Modding 63
49 aboneleri

Bu Devam Eden Çalışma arşivlendi. Bu, uzun süre işlem yapılmamasından veya yazarın kararından kaynaklanabilir. Daha sonra tekrar güncellenip güncellenmeyeceğini bilemeyiz.

Here is the V2 of the Claas Axos 330

Hello everyone,

I present to you the V2 of the Claas I know you are all waiting for it!!!

due to lack of time I work on it when I have free time but know that it is progressing

what was done on it is up to date:

-switch to full udim
- resumption of interactive control
-the gyros which were flattened are put back correctly
-new mass holder
- wheel configuration completely redone

I still have a lot of work to do on it, I'm not sure I'll release v2 before the next fs ;)

stay connected on my discord and on kingmod to see the progress

good day to all

LM Modding

Claas Axos 330 V2
Claas Axos 330 V2
Claas Axos 330 V2
Claas Axos 330 V2

is it coming to fs25?


Super travail ! Peux tu mettre un interactive control complet stp ( portes, démarrage, gyro, prise de force, relevage, ...) Ça serait génial !


revoit ton chassis pour en avoir un propre, tu peux voir avec un claas 400.