Bu Devam Eden Çalışma arşivlendi. Bu, uzun süre işlem yapılmamasından veya yazarın kararından kaynaklanabilir. Daha sonra tekrar güncellenip güncellenmeyeceğini bilemeyiz.
Good morning,
I wanted to inform you that the map has progressed well. Indeed for 2 weeks I have been modeling the roads in 3ds max in order to be able to have the shapes I want and to have all the credits on them. New textures will be added to make the landscape even more friendly for you players.
In addition, I put in photos the pseudo plan of the map that I made in order to have a frame that I will follow under giant.
Wishing you a good day,
PS: A new wip will be posted soon as soon as I have done half of the routes and started all the decorations
Hello everyone,
Today, small creation and start of the project.
We start with the roads, then we just attack the village.
The map will be an X4 map with a probable dl afterwards.
It will consist of a large city with two other "sub" cities (country style, alpine and coast)
Stay connected
In addition, new features will be implemented in order to offer new content.
Salut, je voulais savoir si il y aura des chantier TP sur la map, pas forcément de gros chantier mais du curage ou du décapage par exemple. Sinon pour le moment sa envoi du lourd sur les photo et bon courage pour la suite.