After more than 1 year, a lot of hassle haha, the beta version is here.
Here is a teaser thank you for the support, advice.
It is far from perfect, I will give you updates so that I can focus on a particular area and improve it with your ideas and mine, all in better detail than now
I decided to do this for 2 reasons, the first to finally release it and after more than a year I can no longer see it 😅so I prefer to release it to you
There are no errors, a few warnings that I cannot resolve even with the help of a fellow modder (I will correct everything in the updates that arrive. Thank you for your understanding), 60 FPS even on small configurations.
I'm running at 140 FPS with a few constant 60 FPS mods, with over 100 mods on the map, 200 loaded on the game and the depot completely full
Thank you again for all your messages, advice, opinions. Good game to you, see you soon
Good morning,
I'll give you a little post on the progress of the map:
Bug fixed or part of the map done:
Landfill ✔️
Point of sale/factory bug ✔️
To finish:
The junction
this will be the last WIP before the map is released
Don't hesitate to join the discord to see more photos, ask questions, etc. (link in my profile bio)
Good game to you
salut quel systeme a tu utiliser pour la terre ? et est ce que il y a des tuyaux a poser ?
darckus quel beau travaille continue comme sa tu est dans le bon chemin courage a toi tu as mon soutian l'amis