Case IH Steiger STX Series

05/2023'de tahmini sürüm
1 545

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Case IH Steiger STX Series

This is the CaseIH Steiger STX Series known for its great 4 wheel drive so far ive got the front whole part 3d modeled and i plan to start working on the back later today.
i will be trying to make it compatible with the demco side tanks the model its self is about 45% complete i will be working hard over the next week to get it out this is a pc only mod.

we will keep you updated as the model moves on

CaseIH Steiger STX Series based off the STX 425

we are now about 50% done and getting ready to move to giants editor the next update you get will be in giants editor

Case IH Steiger STX Series
Case IH Steiger STX Series


Case IH Steiger STX Series

This is the CaseIH Steiger STX Series known for its great 4 wheel drive so far ive got the front whole part 3d modeled and i plan to start working on the back later today.
i will be trying to make it compatible with the demco side tanks the model its self is about 45% complete i will be working hard over the next week to get it out this is a pc only mod.

we will keep you updated as the model moves on

CaseIH Steiger STX Series based off the STX 425

Case IH Steiger STX Series