

22 aboneleri


Agame78 Agame78 bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

This map would be awesome with holmåkra trees, then i would i play it

How do they differ from the regular trees except for the looks? Do they have better physics and/or collision?

Agame78 Agame78 bir modu güncelledim
Agame78 Agame78 bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

Nice mod and thanks for continuing to add to it. I see a warning displayed in the game log that states "missing indoor areas". Anything to worry about?

Thanks for reporting about this. No indoor areas means that it will snow inside the shed where the water pump is. I did that on purpose but I didn't notice the warning myself. It's nothing to worry about, I will fix it later if there's something else to change.

Agame78 Agame78 bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

Salut vraiment sympa comme mod, est ce possible de faire en sorte qu'on puisse mettre du fumier dedans a la place de l'engrais solide ?

Hi! I'm not going to upload a different version of the mod but It can be easily changed from the .xml files inside the
Find all 3 rows on both files where it says "FERTILIZER" and change it to "MANURE".

Agame78 Agame78 bir mod yorumladı

Huippumappi ja onnittelut modhub julkaisusta! Ihme että päästivät brändit kuten Neste ja Sale läpi. Itselleni tuli omassa kartassa mm. niistä valitusta niin en jaksanut enää taistella heidän kanssaan.
Ensiversioksi kiitettävää työtä, vähän kaipaa vielä yksityiskohtia, esim. pysäköityjä autoja sekä erilaista tavaraa rakennusten pihoille elävöittämään tunnelmaa.

Agame78 Agame78 bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

V. out. Hopefully this is the last update for a while, some things still had to be done.
Merry Christmas for everyone who play my map!!😄

Toisen modin pohjalta tein mutta periaatteessa 95% minun tekemä. Ei oo erillistä modia ainakaan vielä.