Why would I put pineappel on a pizza?
@FreeXa5922 Hey can you DM me private I also sent you a message so we can sort this out?
🛑🛑Guys for everyone having problems PLEASE do not comment it. PLEASE DM me private because most of the problems are client side and NOT the mod its self🛑🛑
🛑🛑Guys for everyone having problems PLEASE do not comment it. PLEASE DM me private because most of the problems are client side and NOT the mod its self🛑🛑
@The Design Farmer You need first of all a headtracking device for example trackIR. Then you need to enabled headtracking in game. Then enable the mod when you are loading into the savegame or creating a savegame. Then press the key "Home" (Ajustable in the controls tab) on your keyboard to switch between headtracking on / off
@FreeXa5922 If you still have problems let me know
@FreeXa5922 Sorry to hear you have problems... Did you enabled headtracking in the in game settings? And did you select the mod when loading into the savegame?
@jojo70001 Short answer is just yes.
Search on the web for headtracking tutorials