

3 aboneleri


kane1627 kane1627 bir mod yorumladı

Sur notre serveur verygames vhpx le mod fait sdeconnecter le serveur car il fait dépasser la capacité de la ram dommage il apporte un sacré réalisme au jeu

kane1627 kane1627 bir mod yorumladı

thank you it's easy to install thanks a lot

kane1627 kane1627 bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

I don't think it's your mod, but you stole Stevi's. I have it and I'm playing with his mod, and surprisingly, it's the same configuration as yours, and the ground at the front in your photo comes from his latest pack.

and the weight is on pack number 11

kane1627 kane1627 bir modu derecelendirdim
kane1627 kane1627 bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

I don't think it's your mod, but you stole Stevi's. I have it and I'm playing with his mod, and surprisingly, it's the same configuration as yours, and the ground at the front in your photo comes from his latest pack.

https://www.kingmods.net/fr/fs25/mods/63955/stevie-mod-pack-10   this the orignal pack's link

kane1627 kane1627 bir mod yorumladı

I don't think it's your mod, but you stole Stevi's. I have it and I'm playing with his mod, and surprisingly, it's the same configuration as yours, and the ground at the front in your photo comes from his latest pack.

kane1627 kane1627 bir mod yorumladı

super vais tester cette machine modifiée

kane1627 kane1627 bir modu derecelendirdim
kane1627 kane1627 bir mod yorumladı

dommage que le créateur ne puisse être joignable car @kingmods qui le publie car ca serait plus simple de lui remonter les infos sauf si bien entendu kingmods fait son travail de communication

kane1627 kane1627 bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi
jérôme corbat

bonjour depuis que nous avons mis a jour le mod nous ne pouvont plus vider les benne que se soient en solo ou en multi et même en créant une nouvelle partie

@Hadess merci pour l'info