

222 aboneleri


MathiasHun MathiasHun bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

the fps is droping like hell when this is just

@Moller1991  How big? 5? Log file?

MathiasHun MathiasHun bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

                         div>error: descVersion '94' outside allowed range  REQUIRED descVersion "95"

@Steinii  Thank you for your feedback. I submitted the download on 2024.02.10, and at that time, it was still Test Runner v0.9.2. 😀 I'll fix it in the next release.

MathiasHun MathiasHun bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

works better but whit yarder battery still discharges

@shadow2391 Send me a link to this machine.

MathiasHun MathiasHun bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi
NL Modding

i love this mod and used it all the time in 22 but im having problem where if i try to enter any vehicle it freezes my game and i have to restart it, idk if its clashing with other mods i have possibly

@NL Modding My response: No one has reported that the game freezes, and I haven’t experienced it either. Try it with only the RVB mod active, and then enable the other mods one by one. I know, you might have 1000 mods. :)

MathiasHun MathiasHun bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi
rantott hus modding

Azért van Hun a neved után mert magyar vagy? Kurva jó a script amúgy csak hát néha hibás

@rantott hus modding Igen ott előfordulhatott, itt is lehet még és tudom vannak még hiányos részek is benne, ezért is Beta verzió. De muszáj tesztelni. Persze jöhet itt is és máshol is

MathiasHun MathiasHun bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

Können Sie einen Modus für das Abschleppen eines Fahrzeugs vorschlagen, das eine Panne hat oder dessen Batterie leer ist?

@Ehizan  Yes, I'm interested.

MathiasHun MathiasHun bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

Können Sie einen Modus für das Abschleppen eines Fahrzeugs vorschlagen, das eine Panne hat oder dessen Batterie leer ist?

@Azazel  Unfortunately, not for FS25.

MathiasHun MathiasHun bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

Cuando la bateria se descarga, como se repara?

@Ehizan In the RVB menu, it's quick and easy, though it’s not very realistic this way in the game. Or you can go to Construction -> Tools -> Electric Charging Station (RVB mod).