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OlaHaldor OlaHaldor Work-In-Progress hakkındaki bir yoruma yanıt verdi
Crowns Dealership

Do you have plans to make the full version of the map?

@Crowns Dealership I don't have any immediate plans to make the 16x. I'm not  ruling it out for the future though, but I think the game has to mature a bit to perform better at larger resolutions.

OlaHaldor OlaHaldor bir Devam Eden Çalışma yorumladı

Nice to see more Norwegian maps being made! :)

OlaHaldor OlaHaldor Devam Eden Çalışmalar'a bir gönderi ekledi
OlaHaldor OlaHaldor Work-In-Progress hakkındaki bir yoruma yanıt verdi

Nice! What XML shaders do you use for the flow maps?

@AlfaMods ocean shader and foam shader :)

OlaHaldor OlaHaldor Devam Eden Çalışmalar'a bir gönderi ekledi
OlaHaldor OlaHaldor Work-In-Progress hakkındaki bir yoruma yanıt verdi

looks beautiful. are u going to use the same type of buildings with the (unfinished) ones or are u gonna make all buildings done before release? :)

@Keso I'll refine the selection of buildings, and all buildings used will be complete. No more ghosts. :)

OlaHaldor OlaHaldor Work-In-Progress hakkındaki bir yoruma yanıt verdi

im getting 3 issues on my gportal Server

XML file 'maps/newfrontier/sounds/sounds.xml' is too big. Size 0.29 MB (max. 0.25 MB)

i have deleted and reinstalled on both the client and server

@Rpalumbo21 Thank you! Really appreciate it :)

OlaHaldor OlaHaldor Work-In-Progress hakkındaki bir yoruma yanıt verdi

im getting 3 issues on my gportal Server

XML file 'maps/newfrontier/sounds/sounds.xml' is too big. Size 0.29 MB (max. 0.25 MB)

i have deleted and reinstalled on both the client and server

@Rpalumbo21 the spline was an unknown fact until people started playing in multiplayer. It's been fixed and submit to modhub for approval. An update will come sooner or later.

The rest of the issues should not be a problem. If they are; change server provider. Loads of others play with no issues even when these messages appear.

Even if the messages appear, it does not mean anything is  bad. I find int puzzling it complains about the sound file for instance. I only removed/disabled city sounds (like cars slamming doors, dogs barking, bicycles ringing bells etc) which makes no sense to have in the vast wilderness as this map depcits.

OlaHaldor OlaHaldor Work-In-Progress hakkındaki bir yoruma yanıt verdi

im getting 3 issues on my gportal Server

XML file 'maps/newfrontier/sounds/sounds.xml' is too big. Size 0.29 MB (max. 0.25 MB)

i have deleted and reinstalled on both the client and server

@Rpalumbo21 what exactly is the issue?
Does that message prevent you from playing?

OlaHaldor OlaHaldor bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

Excellent module! Can the placement angle be more flexible? The small farm needs to be placed at the same angle as ordinary objects. In addition, I saw that there are roads in the map that can match the color of the soil. Can you make them?

@nolen1234 I'm not sure what you mean about the color. 

im considering more angles but its really tricky to get them to align.