Mapa wygląda fantastycznie. Jeśli mogę coś zasugerować, trawa z Zielonki nie wygląda naturalnie, przynajmniej dla mnie. Dzisiaj SpeziList zamieścił mapę „KleinMV”, jego niemiecką wersję Zielonki. Pierwszą rzeczą, którą zauwazylem, jest trawa, która wygląda o wiele lepiej.
@NexanosNiezależnie od tego, czy będziesz w stanie dokonać zmian, czy nie, mapa będzie niesamowita. Z góry dziękuję za ciężką pracę i poświęcenie.
Mapa wygląda fantastycznie. Jeśli mogę coś zasugerować, trawa z Zielonki nie wygląda naturalnie, przynajmniej dla mnie. Dzisiaj SpeziList zamieścił mapę „KleinMV”, jego niemiecką wersję Zielonki. Pierwszą rzeczą, którą zauwazylem, jest trawa, która wygląda o wiele lepiej.
I, personally love this map. Topography, foliage, and the road system are awesome. I noticed some Polish accents like the gas station and some buildings which gave me an idea. Why not “Polish” it up all the way? For my personal use only, I used Giants Editor and removed most of the objects not suited for Poland and replaced them with what is available out there. For example, dealer was replaced with the one from Zielonka and my farm is what could pass as Polish style cow farm. I am using primarily Ursus tractors and most of the Polish attachments, I call it Nordjyllandski.
Chez moi la map ne veux pas se lancer alors que j'ai bien les 2 mods requis en 10 EXEMPLAIRES CHACUN DANS MES FICHIERS, je ne sais pas quoi faire de plus
@LucasKuntzel Google Translate : Le lien Fed Mod Pack ne fonctionne pas et vous amènera à un autre téléchargement de FED Production Pack. Pour le contourner, tapez FS25_Fed_Mods_Pack dans la zone de recherche du navigateur et recherchez-le ailleurs. Veuillez noter qu'il s'agit de Fed Mods et non de Mod.
Looks very promising. Awaiting it with great anticipation. I have never been to Argentina and chances are, I never will. Map like yours will give me a glimpse of your beautiful country. Thank you for your work and willingness to share it with the rest of us.
This is truly spectacular map. The attention to details, considering its size, is amazing no matter where you go. There are plenty of room to build your start farm or spaces with fences and parked cars where you can put your own productions. For those for whom pedestrians and road traffic are very important you will find it very well balanced and not overwhelming or annoying, as it often happens. Call me crazy, but I find houses on each street to be numbered in order or parked cars with different license plates numbers, next level attention to details. This map is a terrible news for my wife, who already feels abandoned by me, but I am dropping all of my projects to be there.
One more thing, this map requires 2 mods: FED Production Pack and Fed Mod Pack, as I am writing this, Fed Mod Pack link does not work and will take you to another FED Production Pack download instead. To go around it, I simply typed in my browser search box and founded it elsewhere. Please note it’s Fed Mods not Mod.
This is truly spectacular map. The attention to details, considering its size, is amazing no matter where you go. There are plenty of room to build your start farm or spaces with fences and parked cars where you can put your own productions. For those for whom pedestrians and road traffic are very important you will find it very well balanced and not overwhelming or annoying, as it often happens. Call me crazy, but I find houses on each street to be numbered in order or parked cars with different license plates numbers, next level attention to details. This map is a terrible news for my wife, who already feels abandoned by me, but I am dropping all of my projects to be there.
Absolutely magnificent and beautiful beast. Would you be so kind and explained how you fixed player’s head sticking through the cab? If it’s not too complicated, of course. There are many other mods with this problem, which is annoying. Any advice from you would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.