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papagaming papagaming bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

first person camera are not correct possition! 
Front bumper bars in next update?

@Envyz  is it also upside down for you?

papagaming papagaming bir mod yorumladı

does it works on Pallegney ??? if not can you make it work on it ?:D

papagaming papagaming bir mod yorumladı

camara still not fixed.......

papagaming papagaming bir modu derecelendirdim
papagaming papagaming bir mod yorumladı

interieur camara is upsidedown ...................

papagaming papagaming bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

@Eduu  the mod is even more broken then before... interieur camara is upsidedown ........ do you even test the mod?......

o mod está ainda mais quebrado do que antes... interieur camara está de cabeça para baixo ........ você pelo menos testa o mod?......

its the newest version of the mod... 1.0 is working perfect. now i just dont have lights anymore and rims going back to white everytime...

papagaming papagaming bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

@Eduu  the mod is even more broken then before... interieur camara is upsidedown ........ do you even test the mod?......

o mod está ainda mais quebrado do que antes... interieur camara está de cabeça para baixo ........ você pelo menos testa o mod?......

@Steinii @Eduu  tested the mod on a map without any other mods.. stills is upside down... its 100% the mod.

im going to test a older version . 1 so i can play firstperson again... and i can comfirm its the mod..

once again  : screenshot :

papagaming papagaming bir mod yorumladı

@Eduu  well im sorry i guess.. can you explane to me what is going on here. its working perfect on anything els. also before this update is was good. now. not anymore

screenshot :

papagaming papagaming bir mod yorumladı

@Eduu  the mod is even more broken then before... interieur camara is upsidedown ........ do you even test the mod?......

o mod está ainda mais quebrado do que antes... interieur camara está de cabeça para baixo ........ você pelo menos testa o mod?......

papagaming papagaming bir mod yorumladı

@Eduu  @Steinii  is right.. lights are not working .before and after update. also the rims go white after a restart of the game. even if it was still chrome . it alway white after... pleas fix it. this is so far the best pickup truck mod out there! but pls fix it asap