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slibinas slibinas bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

In V1.0.0.1 version, mod stopped working. All eggs, wools and mil only reach 1,000 L, rollbacked back to the first version and everything is working fine again.

@Virgile0 yes, it was still active. I can' find any errors in logs. 2024-12-13 18:43 adding mod Larger Capacity Pallets (KingMods);;KingMods;FS25_largercapacitypallets_KingMods 51d6a05fbe3e5ac273c2524ccf6c0873 2024-12-13 18:43 Load mod: FS25_largercapacitypallets_KingMods

slibinas slibinas bir mod yorumladı

In V1.0.0.1 version, mod stopped working. All eggs, wools and mil only reach 1,000 L, rollbacked back to the first version and everything is working fine again.

slibinas slibinas bir modu derecelendirdim
slibinas slibinas bir modu derecelendirdim