

54 aboneleri

Developer and Systems Architect by profession - Gamer and mod creator by passion!

I'm passionate about games and developing tools, mods and extensions for games I like to play. Teaching and helping others is another passion of mine and I try to give back to the community as much as possible.


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Does this only apply when I sell fuel? Is the price higher when I fill up with fuel?

It goes both ways, so it is more expensive to refuel vehicles but also more revenue if producing your own fuel.

w33zl w33zl bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

Bonjour, ce mod est super mais j'aimerais apporter quelque chose à propos de la première petite étoile (*) qui dit qu'on pourrait vendre le carburant aussi cher que le carburant qu'on achète. Cela serait tout à fait normal mais dans la réalité ce n'est pas du tout pareil car on vend le carburant à un prix au dessous de celui du marché et c'est les gouvernements des pays qui rajoutent une taxe qui fait augmenter le prix du carburant. Pour résumer sans taxe le carburant serait bien moins cher et on l'achèterait presque au prix de vente d'une production pétrolière.

Thanks for the comment. That is true. However, the mod only change the price relative to the base game price which means if a sell point accepts diesel at full price this means you are almost getting paid for the taxes (if it were IRL). Bottom line it is up to the map or other mods to set a realistic ratio between sell and buy price.