

20 aboneleri


yarrrrrrrr yarrrrrrrr bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

full of errors.
lights dont work.

Annnnnnnnnnnnd still nothing.

yarrrrrrrr yarrrrrrrr bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

full of errors.
lights dont work.

Still waiting for a log file with errors and warning?! Not received one as there are no errors/ warnings. Here's an idea TheTractorGuy and SteevieWitharen why don't you assist the community and make or convert a mod instead of bitching over nothing?

yarrrrrrrr yarrrrrrrr bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

what kind of excavator is that

Kubota U48 (not the edit one) from this site

yarrrrrrrr yarrrrrrrr bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

Je les avais contacté sur Messenger. Ils m'ont répondu très longtemps après qu'ils voulaient la ressortir, eux, et m'ont donc demandé de ne pas le partager.
Ce que j'ai fait mais ... Eux n'ont jamais ressorti leur version donc tant mieux pour toi s'ils ne viennent pas te tomber dessus ✌🏻
En attendant je reste avec ma version du coup 😅

J'en ai marre de ces moddeurs qui prétendent les posséder. Ensuite, ne faites rien avec eux et d’autres personnes interviennent pour mettre à jour ou améliorer. Ils se plaignent alors !

Le moddeur d'origine a-t-il obtenu la permission d'ifor Williams pour utiliser son logo ? Non. Ce sont les droits de propriété intellectuelle.

Les moddeurs qui ont ajouté un simple circuit intégré aux tracteurs du jeu ont-ils obtenu l'approbation des Giants ? Non.

Ils doivent se remettre d’eux-mêmes. Cela fait plusieurs années que ce jeu est sorti pour FS19 et FS25 approche à grands pas. Ce mod est donc de toute façon destiné à un jeu en fin de vie.

yarrrrrrrr yarrrrrrrr bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

full of errors.
lights dont work.

Why dont you prove the errors and pastebin me a link to them?

yarrrrrrrr yarrrrrrrr bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

full of errors.
lights dont work.

There are zero errors in the log for this, using this mod with 800+ other mods, no conflicts or errors or even warnings! I know there is pathetic 'mod politics' when converting other peoples mods and the people get attacked and lies are told but be my guest. For all the people that have liked it, downloaded it and messaged me to say thanks it tells a different story to whatever you're selling. If you don't like it, move along.

yarrrrrrrr yarrrrrrrr bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi


Looking at all your 'feedback' history is hilarious, may be go out and touch some grass!

yarrrrrrrr yarrrrrrrr bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi


Seems to work fine for everyone else........ Sorry that was all lower caps.. Let me speak to you on your level: MOD AINT BROKEN, DONT USE A SHIT COMPUTER! Hope that helps.

yarrrrrrrr yarrrrrrrr bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

Trailer tail lights are emitting red light on the ground even when off.

V1.2 will be out shortly as there was an error in the log for 1.1 which is now resolved.