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Yurg Yurg bir mod yorumladı

Latest version here: https://github.com/YurgFS/FS25_Yurg_Custom_Pack/releases/tag/v1.1.10.0
Cannot update here because their version check pattern refuses

Yurg Yurg bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

Complimenti per le tue mod che arricchiscono il mondo di fs25. Volevo farti una domanda, nelle mod c'è il file ModDesc.xml e dentro ci trovi <modDesc descVersion="94"> io se non cambio il 94 in 92 non mi funziona la mod, dipende dalla mia versione del gioco 1.2?  e questa versione di gioco può influire sul funzionamento di courseplay, visto che sto provando tutti gli aggiornamenti fino al ma nessuno funziona a dovere visto che il pulsante del mezzo che utilizzo play-stop non funziona e si congela tutto? Ti ringrazio in anticipo per la tua risposta

@Agaso Hello, Yes, 94 is for latest version of the game

Yurg Yurg bir mod yorumladı

Is there some trailer for the 12m long header ?

Yurg Yurg bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

No errors nor warning with https://www.kingmods.net/en/fs25/mods/58098/ropa-6s-900-ps1000000-l-multifruchte

To verify by yourself, you can use this map, everything is ready to harvest: https://www.kingmods.net/en/fs25/mods/60576/yurgs-dev-map

Yurg Yurg bir mod yorumladı

No errors nor warning with https://www.kingmods.net/en/fs25/mods/58098/ropa-6s-900-ps1000000-l-multifruchte

Yurg Yurg bir modu derecelendirdim
Yurg Yurg bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

Make a pack just for the olive and grape technique

@xDragonheart85x If you think that something is missing feel free to add a new feature request issue

Yurg Yurg bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

Make a pack just for the olive and grape technique

@xDragonheart85x Here is my todo list : https://github.com/YurgFS/FS25_Yurg_Custom_Pack/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Aenhancement%2Cfeature

Yurg Yurg bir mod hakkındaki yoruma yanıt verdi

Make a pack just for the olive and grape technique

@xDragonheart85x In fact, my idea is to have a single mod to do everything (or almost everything), and then add a few script mods. I've stopped maintaining two other mods that I've integrated into this one. It is too time-consuming for me to have many small mods to maintain and update on several websites.