mower için arama sonuçları

143 sonuçları
  • Bednar MM7000 Mower Edit
    6 283
    Bu parçalayıcıyı birden fazla renk seçeneğiyle bir çim biçme makinesine dönüştüren Bednar MM7000'in bir düzenlemesi - Öğütücü çim biçme makinesine dönüştürüldü - Renk seçenekleri eklendi - Taban fiyat: 35.000 € - Gerekli güç: 210hp - Genişlik: 7m - 30mph'ye kadar biçme (hız sabitleyiciyi istenilen hıza ayarlayabilir)
  • Parkside Mower
    4 294
    Sadece itin ve kesecektir. B butonu ile kesmeyi açarsınız. Güncelleme karakter elini düzeltin.
  • Real Mower
    7 501
    Tanım: -Bu mod ile haritanın her yerinde çimleri biçebilirsiniz. Ayrıca tüm çalıları ve yabani otları da biçer. -Tüm araçlara "biçme makinesi" uzmanlığı ile fonksiyon eklendi -Mevcut araç için mod fonksiyonunu etkinleştirebilir / devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz Varsayılan kontroller (kontrol ayarlarında değiştirilebilir): KEY_o - mevcut araç için mod fonksiyonunu aç / kapat
  • 2 Axle Mower Trailer
    6 929
    - Selectable Wheels - Selectable License Plates - Selectable base and rim color
  • McConnell verge mower
    11 304
    Mcconnell hedgecutter with mulcher and saw blade
  • Eicher ED16 + Cutter Bar Mower
    6 800
    ATTENTION! PLEASE UNPACK THE FIRST .ZIP FILE!! I tried to convert this Eicher mod over to FS22 and added the attacher point for the CutterBarMower onto it. Just cause, as an Eicher enthusiast, I feel like we have too few functioning examples of these gorgeous tractors for this game. Fixed the log errors. The only thing that bugs me is that the tie rod does not properly connect to one of the fenders. If you know how to fix this don't hesitate to comment it :) The attacher for the bar mower is rather easy to just copy out of the XML and add to other tractors as well by the way. Just try it. I also don't have any experience or skill in modding really.
  • Kuhn / Kverneland mower pack
    7 621
    Characteristics : - Price: €18,000 - Working width: 4.5 m Additions: - Stickers - Lights (revolving light removable from its support with the IC) - Storage box - Hay for decoration (IC) - Kverneland version - Different tarpaulin colors with different materials - Added rust
  • CYSGTools EM097T - Excavator Mower
    5 019
    Ditch the back-and-forth and mow like a pro! The CYSGTools EM097T Excavator Mower is the ultimate landscaping solution for your Farming Simulator 22 excavator. This powerhouse attachment shreds through grass with unmatched efficiency, making land clearing on fields, roadsides, or anywhere else a breeze. Features: - Designed for seamless attachment to most standard excavators in Farming Simulator 22 - Color Configurations - Normal and reverse attachment (you need Interactive Control mod) - Lifting chain for moving the tool around Specs: - Price: €3500 - Working Width: 2.40 meters
  • Agri Spec Ride On Mower Edit
    8 879
    This is my edit of the roper ride on mower this is what I've added: Airhorns Michelin men 2 grille strobes rear light bar with red LEDS Stainless steel exhaust 2 animated CB ariels Poppy airfeshener GoPro do not reupload this mod credits to the original owner of the ride on mower Credits JG Modding
  • Wright mower
    3 500
    KingMods Logo
    KingMods tarafından yayınlandı
    The Wright mower from FS19. Looks like she should be on FS22 so here we go. It's a good little mower that gets the job done. Price: €4,500 Width: 1.2m Power: 20hp Maximum speed: 22 km/h
  • Lizard Mower
    3 035
    KingMods Logo
    KingMods tarafından yayınlandı
    Price: 500 $ Working Width 2 m Working Speed 15 kph Min. Power Requirement 25 hp Mod has color configuration.
  • RhinoAg Mower and Mulcher
    6 531
    Yes i know about the store issue and no im not going to fix it brand : Rhino Category: mulcher or mower